The Price Library of Judaica holds an immense range of titles pertaining to the wide subject area covered by the subject heading 'Land of Israel Studies'. These titles cover the pre-1948 Palestine era as well as modern-day Israel and include works produced both within and without the Land of Israel.
This album, 1 out of a set of 8, includes black and white photographs depicting how the Jewish festivals were being celebrated in the newly created State of Israel.
Edited by Colonel Wilson; assisted by the most eminent Palestine explorers, etc. with numerous engravings on steel and wood from original drawings by Harry Fenn and J. D. Woodward.
This work, entitled Jornadas Pioneras (Pioneer Days), was one of the first attempts to document the progress of Zionist youth movements in Latin America. Its author, Moses Joselevich, was a member of Kibbutz Mefalsim in the Negev; the work was published in Jerusalem in 1957.