Thrity Years of the Price Library Treasures from the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica

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Scarce Imprints

The Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica owns a large collection of scarce imprints, mostly from the late 19th to early 20th century. In this regard, the Price Library ranks among the top twenty academic Judaica research libraries in the world.

Moses Die Feuersaule Moses Wird Gesteinigt Der Untergang Des Pharao
Moses Ein biblischer Zyklus in fünfzig Bildern. Mit einem einleitenden Essay
Moses : A Biblical cycle of fifty images. With an introductory essay.

Uriel Birnbaum (1894-1956)
82 p. : 50 plates. ; 32 cm.

Uriel Birnbaum (1894-1956) was an Austrian poet and artist and the son of Nathan Birnbaum, the Jewish philosopher who coined the words "Zionist" and "Zionism". Birnbaum embraced traditional Judaism in 1913 and published several volumes of lithographs and paintings on religious themes. He escaped to the Netherlands during the Second World War but had to give up his graphic work due to the lack of art materials.

History of the Jews of Chicago Mark Levy Part 1 The Community History of the Jews of Chicago
History of the Jews of Chicago
Hyman L. Meites (Editor)
c. 1924
854 p. : ill., ports. ; 31 cm.

The History of the Jews of Chicago was one of the most important books on its subject thanks to its sheer size, mass of detail and comprehensiveness. It is also an invaluable tool for historians of American Jewish history in general. 500 copies of the first edition (1924) were issued; each volume carried a portrait of the subscriber. The Price Library copy is no. 179 and it has a portrait of Mark Levy, a later President of the famous Chicago Covenant Club.

Home Through the Vale of Tears Home Through the Vale of Tears Home Through the Vale of Tears
Home-through the "Vale of Tears" 1945-1948
1 v. (unpaged) : (chiefly ill.) ; 25 x 35 cm.

An album of c.175 black and white photographs documenting the great exodus of European Jews who, after the Holocaust, illegally crossed the borders of Soviet-occupied lands and made their way to Palestine. The photographs were taken by members of the Jewish Brigade or "Brycha" an organization of Palestinian Jews who assisted more than 300,000 refugees to travel by way of underground channels to Israel. The images are annotated in Hebrew, Yiddish and English. The Price Library's copy is one of just 14 held in world libraries (WorldCat).