"It was a pleasure to select these books from emerging book artists. I was impressed by the high quality and sophistication of the work that was submitted to ARTBOUND. I chose a wide range of styles, from the codex, the accordion, to more complex presentations, paying attention to the craft of the books while looking for fresh combinations of form and content. The judging was done from submitted digital images, and not the actual books. This is always a challenge for book artists, as the entire content, especially the text and sequencing of images, cannot be revealed. The three prize winners submitted consistently powerful work that was apparent even in the digital form. It seemed that in addition to the top prize winners, there should be several honorable mentions. This is an exciting group of new books that will become part of the University of Florida's emerging artists' book collection."– Bea Nettles, Juror
The ARTBOUND 2011 Exhibition features contemporary works by students making books in book arts and/or fine arts programs across the United States. The exhibited works have been selected by renowned book artist, photographer, and alumnus of the University of Florida, Bea Nettles. Twenty-five handmade artists' books were selected for the exhibition from over 60 submissions. The books were created using a variety of media such as letterpress printing, lithography, inkjet, screen printing, and handmade paper. Made by up-and-coming book artists, the books are all high quality, original works. They will become part of the permanent collection at the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries.