Exhibits at the University of Florida Libraries
Past Exhibits
Collateral materials from past exhibits, such as catalogs, posters, installation photographs, and object lists are available in the Exhibit Materials Collection within the UF Digital Collections.
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
Science is the Religion of our Time: Einstein in Japan
Marston Science Library, 2nd Floor
December 1 – December 22, 2015
In celebration of the centenary of the Theory of Relativity, this exhibition features a special collection of materials held in the George A. Smathers Libraries relating to Albert Einstein’s celebrated tour of Japan.
Curated by Rebecca Jefferson
View the online exhibit
Subverting the Natural Order
Smathers Library Gallery, 2nd Floor
November 2 – December 18, 2015
Modern science and scientific knowledge flourished in the 19th century, but what did people actually know about sciences and how did they know it? The answers to these question are complex, but one thing is certain, the so-called rising generation of the 19th century gleaned most of its knowledge about animals, plants, geology, physics, and natural philosophy from books written by female authors.
Curated by Suzan A. Alteri and Dr. Alan Rauch
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St. George Street – Between King and Orange
Map & Imagery Library
August 24 – October 23, 2015
A display of Sanborn Fire Insurance maps from St. Augustine, FL focusing on the buildings along St. George Street, between King Street and Orange street. Specific dates shown include: 1884, 1888, 1899, 1910, and 1930.
Curated by Jennifer Farrington
Government House and the Stories of St. Augustine
Smathers Library Gallery, 2nd Floor
August 24 – October 23, 2015
An exhibition in honor of the 450th Anniversary of the city of St. Augustine, featuring items related to Government House. Government House is located at the heart of this historic colonial town and is uniquely situated to tell stories about the long and complex history of the city.
Curated by Matt Armstrong, Tom Caswell, Jim Cusick, and John Nemmers
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Celebrating UF Partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Marston Science Library, 2nd Floor
June 8 – August 14, 2015
This exhibit highlights agricultural collaborations between the University of Florida and two HBCUs’: Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University (FAMU) and the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI).
Curated by Melody Royster and Suzanne Stapleton
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When Uncle Sammy Leads the Band: The Bernard S. Parker WWI Sheet Music Collection
March 15, 2015 – May 8, 2015
Smathers Library Gallery, 2nd Floor
This exhibition pays tribute to the music industry during World War I. Representing and promoting both sides of the neutrality issue in the divided nation, titles such as America First, The Neutrality March and Don’t Take My Darling Boy Away supported staying
out of the war while titles such as America Awake and What Kind of American Are You? supported a declaration of war.
Curated by Jim Liversidge
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Beast in the Book
January 12, 2015 - February 27, 2015
Smathers Library Gallery, 2nd Floor
The Beast in the Book: Animals in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Illustrations from the Middle Ages, encourages the viewer to reflect upon the ways in which the illustrators combined high art and imagination along with didactic messages.
Curated by Rebecca Jefferson
View the online exhibit