bob campbell's photographs dian fossey's Karisoke Research Center, 1968 - 1972

At Home in the Mountains


Mountain gorillas are among the world’s most critically endangered species. Living only among the steep volcanic slopes of the Virunga Mountain Range in East Africa’s Albertine Rift, their population is split by the borders of three nations: The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. Two active volcanoes further limit the gorilla’s territory, which encompasses only a small part of the Virungas. The dense vegetation of the cloud forest that covers the volcanoes offers ample food for the gorillas, while the steep terrain isolates them from threats. The gorilla’s survival is due in part to the protection offered by their habitat, for which they are adapted but is unaccommodating and sometimes dangerous for humans.

Bob Campbell (British Kenyan resident, 1930-2014)

(top left) Silverback 'Uncle Bert', Rwanda. 1972

(top right) Steep slopes in the Virunga Mountains. 1971

(below) Dian Fossey observing gorillas in the field with binoculars. 1969