Civil War Legacies: A Companion Exhibit to Lincoln: the Constitution and the Civil War
Civil War Legacies includes student work on topics related to Abraham Lincoln and provides examples of some of the many Civil War items housed in Special Collections at the University of Florida. Among the items featured are children’s books about Lincoln from the Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature; a diary account of Lincoln’s assassination and a post-war naval sketchbook of U.S. ironclads from the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History; and a curiosity from the siege of Vicksburg. Many of the letter and diary collections at UF can be viewed online in the Florida and the Civil War Digital Collection.
Exhibition Curated by James Cusick, Jacob Crescent, Jennifer Lyon, Emily O'Keefe, Raquell Russell, Rachel Walton, and Matthew Yozgatlioglu
Exhibition Designed by Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler