The city of Jerusalem is holy to three of the world’s great religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The city hosts important sites of pilgrimage and prayer, including the Western Wall (or ‘wailing’ wall) for Judaism, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for Christianity and the Dome of the Rock for Islam. The western wall is all that remains of the second Jewish Temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. It has been an important site of Jewish pilgrimage from its destruction to present day. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is venerated as Golgotha, the site where Jesus was crucified. The Dome of the Rock (within the Noble Sanctuary) is Islam’s third holiest site after Mecca and Medina, and it is venerated as the location from which Muhammad ascended into heaven. Artistic imaginings of all three sites are shown here, as well as a sketch of one of Jerusalem’s iconic views in charcoal by Israeli artist, Anna Ticho.

A perspective view of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, and other structures
Jerusalem Prize, 1963
From Jerusalem through the eyes of XII Israeli painters
Lion the printer
Tel Aviv
ND1460.J45Y45 1965; Oversize
From the Smathers Library Special Collections Rare Books

No. 59 A Street in Jerusalem
From Old Jerusalem. The Holy Land. 1910-1921
Jamal Brothers printing
From the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica
This rare set of 110 photogravure postcards was produced from photographs taken by the Jewish Russian born artist-phographer, Shlomo Narinsky. Narinsky and his wife Sonia (fellow photographer and studio partner) moved to Israel in the early 20th century and began taking photographs of the landscapes and people.
Narinsky’s style was influenced by the European photographers of the 19th century, who presented the Land of Israel in a romantic and exotic light based on their knowledge of the Bible and the history of the Crusades.
The Narinskys sold their photographs to the Jamal Brothers print and publishing in Jerusalem. The Jamal Brothers produced them as postcards throughout the 1920’s.

‘Beloved City’
Jerusalem Prize, 1963
From Jerusalem through the eyes of XII Israeli painters
Lion the printer
Tel Aviv
ND1460.J45Y45 1965; Oversize
From the Smathers Library Special Collections Rare Books